1. A brief synopsis of the projects history/contributing members/release history
Funeral Forest was created in late 2009, when I decided to finally create some project of my own.I am Nattravn , the sole member of the project.
The current discography:
"Demo" 2009 [Internet release]
"A Funeral in The Woods" [Tape on Vomit Bucket Productions]
"Eternity in Solitude" [Pro CD-r on SkullLine Records]
2. Give some general thoughts on the inspiration behind the music.
I've always connected the music of Forest Funeral with dark and haunting woods, without the presence of civilization, and that's something that continues to provide inspiration for future work.
3. Some specifics on your sound.
Haunting, occult and misanthropic Dark ambient. Just as it should be.
4. What does your music portray or represent?
My music represents mainly my hatred towards humanity. It portrays, as i stated above, the nature, in its original form, haunting and obscure.
5. What is your opinion on the state of the underground situation?
I think underground scene is standing good, as long as there is people to support it and make sure it's there for good. We will never let it fade away.
6. What is coming up for this project over the next 1-2 years?
There is a new release in production, entitled "End..." an it is planned to be released on tape, in late 2010. After that, there will certainly be more releases, especially splits. But you can never be sure what the future is bringing.
7. Ask yourself one question you'd like to be asked and answer it.
Q: Your last wish?
A: Everyone dead.
8. Thanks or taking the time to fill this out, any last words?
Thank you for giving me a chance for this interview, and keep supporting the underground!
9. Do You Have Any Contact Info? Such As A Homepage, Snail Mail or Email Addies.
homepage: http://www.myspace.com/forestfuneral
contact: demo_gorgon@live.com
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