I AM Esper is an improvised drone ambient project from New Jersey,USA.With influences of black metal, doom metal, noise and post rock,the project was created by Justin Palmieri & has released numerous albums, e.p.s, splits, demos & donwloads over the last few years. here are a few quick words to introduce you to this promising project.
1. A brief synopsis of the projects history/contributing members/release history
JP- The Project was started in summer 2009 when i was living in an attic piss poor with some broke instruments. I released my first demo as a net release on the web. It was well received, and i decided to continue with the project eventually through a new job I was able to afford an electric baritone guitar and turned the project into a more guitar based dark drone act and started releasing tapes and cdrs on various labels.
2. Give some general thoughts on the inspiration behind the music.
The music is influenced by Doom metal and Black metal as well as post rock and noise.
Mostly the themes are seclusion, misanthropy, nature worship, ghosts and outer space...or anything cold and desolate.
3. Some specifics on your sound.
Think low end droning guitar and dark floating soundscapes, with a big influence
on think doom metal guitar, with some black metal ascetics.
4. what does your music portray or represent?
My music represents all things inhuman and the worship of nature
and an empty void.
5. What is your opinion on the state of the underground situation?
I think the underground has some spirit left in it, with so many great
diy labels and bands, I think some out there are fucking posers but
that doesn't seem to stop those who keep the true underground spirit alive.
6. What is coming up for this project over the next 1-2 years?
I cant say really, I'm known to be prolific so most likely a lot of releases
but my music is always evolving in sound, so i can say for one thing there
will be some upcoming releases with a very different sound/approach.
7. Ask yourself one question you'd like to be asked and answer it.
What do you think about illegal downloading ?
I think downloading/ripping and posting music on the web is great promotion
for underground bands. I myself find things on blogs, than if its great I buy it,
if it sucks i delete it. I always offer my music for free, so anyone who buys a cdr/tape
from my project is free to upload it and share it.
8. Thanks for taking the time to fill this out, any last words?
Keep it morbid!
9. Do You Have Any Contact Info? Such As A Homepage, Snail Mail or Email Addies.
I can be found on the web at http://myspace.com/iamesper / http://www.facebook.com/iamesperambient or at new in progress website http://www.iamesperambient.tk and email for trades iamesperambient@yahoo.com and official store http://iamesper.bigcartel.com and http://iamesper.bandcamp.com
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