1. Hails Dan Slaughter, how are things in Sweden at the moment?
Hail! I’m busy as hell with a lot of things, not Deathwitch tough haha.
2. Will you please introduce yourself and tell us how your metal adventure started?
The only band I play in at the moment is Deathwitch. I have played in many small underground bands since late 80’s from time to time. I’m also a biker and like fast cars.
3. You are ready with your new onslaught “Violence Blasphemy Sodomy”, a superb album to start the new year with... What was your ideas when the band started writing music for a new album?
To be honest I didn’t record the drums for the new album. I was busy with other shit and was not able to travel to Gothenburg at that time so a session drummer called Morbid Juttu did my work. I’m satisfied with his and the other guys musical work on the album! I rehearsed some of the songs before the recording session and I think our main goal was to create some aggressive and ugly metal of violent death.
4. Did the album end up as you all imagined?
I think it’s cool! It would maybe be a bit more evil if I managed to do the drums haha, I prefer my drum sound on the previous album ‘Deathfuck Rituals’ but I have no problems with it.
5. How has the first assaults from the press been, any positive surprises or does they all hate you?
Both great and a lot of negative shit, but who cares. Enjoy or hate.
6. Deathwitch has always been about primitive, yet very hardhitting and crushing metal, with influences from the early scenes of death, thrash and black metal... What is appealing to you about those styles of metal?
For me it was the music I grew up with. Drink alcohol and listen to blasphemous metal like Sodom, Sarcofago, Possessed, Death, Slayer……. It was a great time! So it’s great to play that kind of aggressive music.
7. When one throws on a Deathwitch album, the sincere freshness of a young band which wants to kill the entire world, come to mind. Though the band has some years on the back and I know Terror isn’t as young as he has been... How does Deathwitch keep the fresh and “fuck you all” spirit and attitude?
I think Terror is over 30 years old and I only have a few years left to the 40 limit huh… Slade is like 35. I think it’s important to find the feeling in the songs like you did when you listened to the same kind of music when you were young.
8. How important is the “fuck you all” attitude for the band?
I don’t know if we have that attitude maybe both me and Slade lives a bit in the FTW attitude in the biker world… But it’s a lot of ‘FUCK’ in the lyrics hahaha
9. What is metal about in your eyes?
Aggression, speed and evil lyrics!
10. What makes a so called metal band un-metal?
Happy riffing and love lyrics.
11. Who writes the music in the band?
I think Terror writes most of the riffs and then we work on it together. I always want him to create bad riffs that he doesn’t like at all, then I will like it. He normally creates heavy doom/death riffs in his other bands like Runemagick and The Funeral Orchestra. So I always ask him to make fast riffs that sucks, hahahaha.
12. Where is the inspiration to the music found?
Violence, Sodomy and Blashpemy!
13. It is easy to hear your are an excellent drummer, with great variation and superb pace shifts and great breaks... When did you start to play the drums and what inspired you to start?
Hmmm well I hope you like MY drumming on ‘Deathfuck Rituals’ hehe but Morbid Juttus work on “Violence Sodomy Blasphemy is cool! I have played drums from time to time for over 20 years.
14. Where do you find inspiration to your drumming?
Hate, aggression, booze and metal…
15. The influences of Deathwitch are found in the eighties... How much do your own musical taste collide with the music of Deathwitch?
A lot. I still listen to the old bands.
16. How much is Deathwitch a band, we all know that Terror participates in a lot of different things... What about you and Slade Doom do you play in other bands?
For me and Slade, Deathwitch is our only band even tough we almost never rehearse. Terror is busy with Runemagick and The Funeral Orchestra. He have also helped some other shit bands with drums over the years like Sacramentum and Swordmaster. But I guess that Runemagick is the only BAND for him.
17. How is Deathwitch’s live activities, I could imagine you kicks serious ass on stage... Are playing a lot live?
We have never played live. Even not before I joined the band. We’ll see what will happen in the future.
18. Will we at some point see you in Denmark and maybe Aalborg? It isn’t that far away from Göteborg!
It’s close, but I am in Thailand right now haha. I hope so.
19. This is your first album on your new label Wicked World, how do you feel about the label and how have they treated you so far?
I don’t have so much contact with the label but it seems good so far I think.
20. Where was “Violence Blasphemy Sodomy” recorded and who produced it? The raw and very energetic production really slays!
I think it’s recorded in 2 different studios in Gothenburg and some stuff at Terror's own little studio.
21. You are one of the great few bands, which plays with sincere and a crushing feeling of metal... Why is that feeling so hard to find in new bands and even many new releases with once great bands?
People get old and forget the ancient spirit of metal and the young ones likes other shit…
22. Will you share your 3 all time favorite albums with the worldwide ‘bangers?
Death – Scream Bloody Gore
Slayer – Reign In Blood
Motörhead - Motörhead
23. Thanks a for answering my questions, I’ll leave the last words of torment to you!
Thanks man!
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