Fluisterwoud are from holland, raw chaotic black metal!. the interview was from the guitarist - Nachtraaf, i had to translate the first question for him as he answered it in Dutch, so i hope this makes sense... And it was conducted in The Late 1999/Early 2000
1.) A brief synopsis of the projects history/contributing members/release history
Fluisterwoud was brought to life as a one man project. I Wanted to make harsh, raw and fast black metal... The way it was meant to be. As I didnt know how to play the drums Krieger was brought into the band and we recorded the demo "Een Sinister Schouwspel". After the demo was released Botmuyl joined the band and took over the vocal duties. Krieger was replaced by Gnoom who was later on thrown out. At An Asphyx concert Nachtraaf and Botmuyl met Wilgenman (drums) en Havoque (bass) who went on to join the band to form a complete line up for recording the upcoming cd.
2.) Give some general thoughts on the inspiration behind the music.
The inspiration was to play black metal like it was in the past and the way I like it!!!... Fast drums and sharp guitars... NO FUCKING TRENDY KEYBOARDS OR FEMALE VOX!!!! Lots of people told me that our music reminds them back in the old days, when black metal wasn't a trend, but when it was fucking obscure. Lots of people tell us that we sound a bit like old Satyricon, old Beherit or old Emperor...
3.) Some specifics on your sound.
Like I said, we use raveshing guitars and fucking fast drums, like it should be!!!! No fucking trends here!!!!
4.) What is your opinion on the state of the underground situation?
Well, In my opinion black emtal is becoming a trend... The play black metal to be cool, impress their friends or to provoke their parents. You see lots of kids nowadays walking around in Korn shirts and tell evryone that they listen to black metal... IT MUST STOP!!!! There are also lots of bands trying to copy Cradle of Wimps or Dimmu Burger, with lots of shitty keyboards and females screaming and stuff... Fuck it... The way they play black metal, isn't the right way!!!! It must be obscure, grim and trendcrushing, not like some poppy rock band... In the Netherlands we got lots of those shit bands, but I'm glad that we've got also lots of true and dedicated bands, who support our war against trends!!!!
5.) What is coming up for this project over the next 1-2 years?
We are going to record a split cd with the Dutch band D.R.E.P this year and it will be very brutal!!! There are also plans to make a split e.p with HEIDENLAND, but nothing is certain yet... We will do more gigs and that kind of stuff.......
6.) Also, please provide website information, if applicable...
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