1. If you could wear anyone's skin, who's would it be? Why?
Anyone’s skin? Well, I’d have to go back to fictional times and get the baby Jesus so I could clone him. I'd make ten clones, wait till their all 8 months, kill em and skin em, maybe just skin em, let them grow old with no skin. No need to be mean and killing stuff. Then stitch them together to make a body suit. Why? I could slap midgets with the little arms and legs that hang from my suit.
2. List lyrics for your gayest song. What inspired you?
That would involve far too much digging about.
3. What's your favourite excuse when being caught fucking a headless corpse's maggot ridden rotting gash?
It’s always got to be blaming it on the demon in my cock.
4. Which cd was the biggest mistake you ever made buying?
It would have to be " satans hordes shall rise again - gather against humanity”
5. Haha you flaming homo, why not go out and buy an inflatable sexmandoll. but anyway, when did you create Odium? And why on earth do you make your music public?
Good question. First off, nothing i like more than purple headed womb ferrets pressed against my chocolate starfish and second, Ive far too many sexmandolls. All of em broken due to being hit with cum covered hammers and slashed with cut-throat razors. Public, only to those who choose to buy or trade. Maybe I should have kept it all to my self, but then why not spread the nightmares? It was created 1,998 years after little jesus first wet the bed. Why? Who knows? A calling..... for more crap.
6. Tell us about your favourite dream. and not the homo-midget fucking one.
One that lingers, walking through a field riddled with dead rotting sheep. I come across this one sheep who's eyes have since long gone, its jaw smashed and skin missing from its bone. Out of its abdomen is a lamb that is still alive and has just finished eating its way out of its dead mother’s womb. It’s covered in blood and crying pathetically at me. A typical dream. A more recent one, witnessing two women become involved in a gas explosion. The first knocked to the floor and badly burnt, the second trapped in a door way and unable to escape the white hot heat. I watch as her flesh is burnt from her skull, I stare into her eyes as her life is burnt away. Woke up with a proper knobber that morning i tell you.
7. You have made a music video for Odium, tell us about this and will there be more videos to come?
Its was no where near as good as I intended. I wanted lots of fire and a guest appearance from satan. Maybe next time. There will be more to come. The majority of the trash was filmed in the depths of an ancient lead mine. All the nature shots were filmed while a rotting squirrel hung from my raging semi.
8. What is happening as of late with your label?
Death. Ive got to trim some dead meat from my activities. Got to focus my energies on music and the furies of the knuckle shuffle.
9. You have a project called October, are you involved with anything else?
Depravity zine, la bete and as mentioned, october. la bete is with a drum machine, therefore lacking the spontaneity of odium. October is musical experimentation. Anything goes. Midget fisting? I’ve a couple of other things up my poop chute. The patience of a Jedi will not be rewarding.
11. You once played drums for an Emit album, how did this come about?
that was many beers ago. Very vivid memory’s.
11. Do you ever see any of your projects performing live? How would you envisage your perfect live performance?
Me drunk, playing crap for a couple dozen of very bored people. The room im in is brick lined. There are no windows or doors, only a hole in the roof. Water runs down the wall’s in pathetic dribbles, quenching the thirst of the abundant mounds of mould. The people, sitting on their up turned concrete blocks get so bored that they pluck out their own eyes. The floor can no longer been seen for the blood and squashed eyes. The cacophony of terror from my guitar deafens the rooms occupants. Satan descends from the darkness. ( We are all upside down ) The people bleed, a lot, and slowly rot. The angels that follow dance the dance of death in a pool of rotting flesh that swims around their feet. They are there to take away the souls of the fallen. The souls are gone, the angels quest futile. Satan’s mission complete.
12. I have a copy of your zine depravity which was very minimalist, twisted and great, will you be doing any further issues of this zine?
Only the dark gods can decide this matter. The voices will fill my skull with their bidding.
13. What can we expect from you over the next few years?
Same as always, crap followed by more crap. Today i found a very small snare drum from a kids drum kit. Had to beat up the kid to get it. He almost got the better of me mind. Tiny fists hurt my aged flesh. Anyways, i prevailed. So now i have a very small snare, its about 9 inches across. Ill record some shit in the woods i think. A month or so with my little drum, deep in the welsh woods, recording onto a rotating drum of wax. My flesh coated in my own worm ridden faeces. Ill feast on rocks mushrooms and slugs and drink fermented badger piss.
14. Thanks for your time, use this space to end this interview how ever you wish.
Its taken me a month of drunken Sundays to answer this interview. I hope you’re all vomiting out your third eyes. May the sun become blocked by the ashes of human ambition. Hail satan.
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