IbexThrone are an American raw black metal project. Unlike the short interview from some time in 2000, This is a more personalized Interview I conducted With Lord Dying of IbexThrone in The Summer of 2001.
1. Firstly Would You Tell us who you are and give us a short history of your Band for the people out there who haven't heard of you before.
Ibex Throne was formed in the summer of 1997 with one goal: to make destructive and negative music aimed to manipulate the minds of mortals to the darkest regions of the human psyche. Many lineup changes happened at first and we released two demos so far: Transcend The Darkness and D.E.A.D. earning much praise in the underground.
2. What does the Name Ibex Throne Mean?
In essence, "the throne of the goat" or Lord Shaitan as he is known. This has nothing to do with the christian concept of Satan as we all know how well they bastardized the original meaning and concept of Shaitan. Satan was the term they used, but in the bible the "Devil" is not called Satan once. Shaitan represents to us mainly is the power of perversity and darkness to bring human comprehension to the ultimate realization: death is real and inevitable. I was speaking to Sharund of Demon Realm the other day about this obscure form of true Satanism, it really isn't Satanism as it serves no function of praising an actual diety or having any real religous context or dogma, yet it is necessary to associate an idea of darkness with a being of darkness. Few people out there will understand this, but to those who do this should all make perfect sense.......we are not religous at all, yet we praise the darkness that man is capable of and all Shaitan means to us is this darkness and obscurity that few people will comprehend fully. In an essence it is a Nihilistic stance we are taking, but there is method to the mayhem. To understand it I must say you first understand our music and lyrical content to their fullest potentcy. I rarely talk about this so consider yourself honoured.............
3. To you personally... what does the music you record represent?
Well, I explained much of it above, but I must say our music is one thing that can help us represent what we feel in our minds. Darkness, utter darkness. I can walk amongst you and I can be social and friendlyto the people I know, but on the other hand I can kill them without reason or remorse. It's a fine line of insanity and genius and I think our music is on that fine line. I'm not being egotistical, but realistic. I beleive that our music represents most of all, the utter hatred for organized relgion and mostly that is directed to the Judeo-Christian regime. They must be stopped! Only then will all mortals finally realize an honourable age of darkness and nobility. Many people say that this is a waste of time to go up against the Christians, many of these people are active in the Black Metal scene, I think these people are concerned with being too "cool" or "different" to stand up for any kind of cause. FUCK THEM! Remember fuckers this is WARFARE not fucking music only!
4. what do you use as inspiration and influences while writing the music?
Hmmm, nothing as far as external stimuli is utilized in our crafting of hymns. The inspiration comes from our know how and our minds, this is the music we create from the bottom of our black hearts. Musically as far as influences go and bands that brought me on the path to create my own and personal music goes from old Mayhem up to old Slayer. Other bands I admire are Order From Chaos, Abigor, old Morbid Angel, Beherit, Black Witchery, Thornspawn, Vlad Tepes, Darkthrone, old Emperor, Blasphemy, Barathrum, Incantation, Mütiilation, Possessed, Profanatica, and Angel Corpse. These bands were the fruition of my path to metal, and I think they are the most relevant and first to mind at this moment.
5. The American Scene has recently made a strong rise with Raw Black Metal How come do you think All this great black metal Has just Suddenly surfaced? And why do you think this is so under rated?
It's always been here, I just think everyone is craving real shit and now that Norway has nothing to offer people are looking elsewhere. I liked it better when we didn't get as much attention as we do now, but I can say that it is somewhat gratifying to be recognized. Most faggots are so ignorant and will dismiss American Black Metal because of name alone, that's alright though, we don't want weak minded band wagon Norway loving pussies on our side. There has always been a great tradition of black metal here, even at the same time the Black Circle thing in Norway happened, but due to the ever-present death metal scene it never really happened in a big way. Fuck it all though I listen to a band based on how vile and potent their music is, not by where they are from, bands I must recommend from all across the globe are: Black Witchery, Impiety, Conqueror, Revenge, Blasphemy, Angel Corpse (RIP), Abominator, Sadistik Exekution, Sabbat, Destroyer 666, Abigail, Nargaroth, Judas Iscariot, Kathonik, CRAFT, Bestial Warlust, Kult ov Azazel, Krieg, Maniac Butcher, Fluisterwoud, Apocalyptic Raids, Shining, Botulistum, Altar Of Perversion, Spiritual Wintermoon, Fog, Horna, Thornspawn, and Blood Storm to name a few of many. And also the latest Absu album is one of the most vile and vicious albums ever to be released, buy that today or suffer......
6. What prompted you to re-release your demos as a CD?
High demand and low inital print runs.....
7. you were recently on a true underground tribute to the black emperors, Darkthrone. how do you think the morons at Moonfag and Fenriz would react if they were to hear this raw masterpiece?
I'm not sure, I would hope that Fenriz, Zephyrous and Nocturno Culto would appreciate it as it is a tribute to their great music and legacy. I could give a fuck less how the fool Satyr-panties at Moonfag Shitturds would care about it.
8. How does the new music you're recording for the upcoming split with craft compare to the music you have released on the demos?
Much faster, vile, heavier and aggressive then our previous efforts.....like the demons of a Necromantical vision have been resurrected and forced to make noise, that's how it sounds.....
9. Ibex Throne Have had quite some success with gigs in USA, Do you think use Europeans will be seeing you guys on our shores?
I hope so, time will only tell.....
10. And finally what are the plans for the future of Ibex Throne?
Our upcoming 10" split with Craft "Nihlistic Death War" will be available very soon, this release is very much anticpated as I have been getting 50 emails every couple of weeks for the past year about it. Tshirts of both the vinyl and CD of our album covers will be made available soon, and also the debut album itself which will be out soon, then a most vicious 7" entitled Waging Our Dark War out in late winter. And then of course the Blood Fire Death festival in Ft Lauderdale FL on Octboer 5th at Orbits Club with masters Arghoslent, Decrepit, Nargaroth and Profanatica, and many
others...........also join us in boycotting Phil Anselmo and any other fag project that glam fag is involved in!
11. Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule, Any final words you'd like to send out to the readers?
Sure why not, everybody reading this, put all your feelings deep inside and grab the nearest knife or bludgeon, make sure you wear a big trenchcoat and hood. That night walk amongst the streets of where you live and murder the first human being you see, make sure you do this at late night, and don't do anything stupid like dropping the knife! Make sure you have a sock to stuff in your victims mouth, if you have no socks, duct tape or your hand will suffice as well. Repeat this method everynight until Samhain, then please join us in our annual Samhain live performance where we will all have a lovely barbecue with plenty of beer, guts, fog and darkness, write me at ibexthrone@hotmail.com for more info........
Our upcoming 10" split with Craft "Nihlistic Death War" will be available very soon, this release is very much anticpated as I have been getting 50 emails every couple of weeks for the past year about it. Tshirts of both the vinyl and CD of our album covers will be made available soon, and also the debut album itself which will be out soon, then a most vicious 7" entitled Waging Our Dark War out in late winter. And then of course the Blood Fire Death festival in Ft Lauderdale FL on Octboer 5th at Orbits Club with masters Arghoslent, Decrepit, Nargaroth and Profanatica, and many
others...........also join us in boycotting Phil Anselmo and any other fag project that glam fag is involved in!
11. Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule, Any final words you'd like to send out to the readers?
Sure why not, everybody reading this, put all your feelings deep inside and grab the nearest knife or bludgeon, make sure you wear a big trenchcoat and hood. That night walk amongst the streets of where you live and murder the first human being you see, make sure you do this at late night, and don't do anything stupid like dropping the knife! Make sure you have a sock to stuff in your victims mouth, if you have no socks, duct tape or your hand will suffice as well. Repeat this method everynight until Samhain, then please join us in our annual Samhain live performance where we will all have a lovely barbecue with plenty of beer, guts, fog and darkness, write me at ibexthrone@hotmail.com for more info........
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