S.I.S.T. is the main project behind the order of the wolf rising in the UK, of anti trendy black metal bands. The interview was conducted around 20th January 2003 with the main man behind the project.
1.) Give a short introduction to SIST as no one, or hardly anyone out there will know who you are.
S.I.S.T. formed about 2 years ago in 2001. I was fucking angry at the time, the black metal scene was and still is filled with neo-nazi war metal crap that just pollutes and stifles the one or two real bands and individuals. For every black filth soaked, evil, murderous warrior I saw fighting for the spirit of true black metal there were fifty pro-white or vampire goth guys just in it for the cash and girls. I simply wanted to make music as disgusting and depraved as the thoughts inside my head.
2.) The name SIST means Self Inflicted Scar Tissue, so i was wondering if this music is an homage to those who have attemtped slicing their wrists, or is it for those who battle depression and free the feelings through self punnishment, or is it about something else?
S.I.S.T. means three things as I intended it. Self Inflicted Scar Tissue is one, which is as you said a homage to the weakest and strongest of humanity who took their own life. It also means what it says, sist, the cancerous lump in the belly of Christianity and the insignificant wart on Satan's foot. I wanted to have a real feeling of all the best, darkest aspects of black metal. The way I see it, the sub-genres in black metal, like suicide, death, war, genocide and so on are all elements that should be included in a good project but all should be inherently Satanist and anti-Christian. Any band that looks at one of these sections specifically is OK but the true best of black metal uses all of them and produces the dirtiest, blackest shit you'll find.
3.) The first demo was affected by the laziness of another member, who's now been booted from the act, so i was wondering how the second tape will differ from this and if you will be recruiting other individuals to aid with the recording of the project in the future.
Scurge (guitarist on first demo) and I have a very love/hate relationship. He will be helping out on the second demo and he's reliable as long as I get him in one place at one time. I had to remove him as a permanent member though as his other projects, beliefs and ideas don't fit with S.I.S.T. Basically I tell him what to play and he plays it. In the future I may be getting some of the Order of the Wolf to help with the music. Grimnir T Grendel of Ichneutic offered to drum for me, P. Knight from Odium has offered vocals and drums as well. The best part of doing everything yourself is the freedom to do and use whatever and whoever you want.
4.) I had a hard time describing your music to someone the other day and all i could come up with was something along the lines of "dirty underproduced noisy black filth" or something along those lines.
how would you describe it?
The music as I like to call it is, filthy black shit from the nasty crust of Satan's deepest bowels. I exist in the form here shown as a martyr against everything accepted and 'true' in black metal. If that translates as underproduced, noisy black filth then I'm happy.
5.) What bands have influenced the music you record with SIST?
From the beginning there were always three bands that influenced me the most. Their collective discography has provided me with enough inspiration, hatred, bile, disgust and misanthropy I have ever needed. The TRUE Mayhem (as soon as Euronymous and Dead were gone I almost lost interest in all black metal), Darkthrone (especially 'Under A Funeral Moon') and Ildjarn (raw, minimalist, hateful, what more do you need?) Also I listen to an extensive amount of true Satanic black metal, ones I would particularly mention, Ichneutic, Mutiilation, Vlad Tepes, Warloghe, Moonblood, Eternity of Darkness, Odium, Only Darkness and too many others to list.
6.) In the past you have stated that the music is recorded to bring rise ocne again to the true underground and that you dont care if people hate your music. But it would seem if you want to bring this music to someone at least or you wouldnt release it, so who are you trying to reach with this? which fans NEED this tape.
The people who need to hear S.I.S.T. know who they are. They are the people who share my views, the ones who live for true black metal. The cult of misanthropic, hate filled warriors whose only comfort in this miserable life is the suffering of themselves and others. They know who they are...
7.) You're a part of the anti shit black metal campaign/brother hood Order of the Wolf, do you want to shed any more light on this?
We are the Varg. The wolf skulking in the darkness. Waiting for our time to strike at the corrupt heart of modern black metal. In time most people will know who we are, but for now to those who are interested, keep an eye on the true black metal in the UK (Ichneutic, Eternity of Darkness, Anaxagazaroth) and look at the Albion Records website for updates on the Order of the Wolf split we're compiling.
8.) This will be your only interview you will ever undertake with SIST, is there a reason for this?
I have been mulling over the ideas and beliefs of S.I.S.T. for some time and decided not to be one of those whores you see doing every interview and promotion thrown their way. I will do other interviews but not many and I will analyse and check out whatever zine it is, before committing to anything.
9.) You also have a label under your belt, do you want to share any info on that project with us? what will it release? why did you start it, a revolt against mainstream black metal labels perhaps?
Albion Records is the label I started to mainly release all the UK black metal I see and hear that I feel is worthy of a proper underground release. In particular Satanic, truly evil bands that live on this shitty island and need support and promotion. The only release so far is my debut demo "Kill Yourself. Nobody Loves You" but pretty soon I'll be releasing the Order of the Wolf slit, the second S.I.S.T. demo "Kneel For The Master" and a possible split between S.I.S.T. and Odium based around necrophilia. Also myself and Typhon (Eternity of Darkness) were thinking of releasing the Anaxagazaroth demos and material from the OotW split, but we decided against it. Another project which has just been finalised for release is my black ritual torture project called Nebiros. Basically it's black magic, ritual music with fucked up rhythms, screams of torture and death, much like the Black Legions Project and Oktober. Also Caranthir (Darkness) and myself are discussing a tape release of his new album limited and hand numbered for release in the next six months. Other than that I'm open to admissions from anyone who shares my opinions and outlook.
The name Albion Records comes from a myth Grimnir (Ichneutic) told me. Apparently England used to be called Albion back in the Roman invasion days, it means white isle and is the first recorded name given to our homeland. It's nothing pro-white at all I just felt that to bring back pride to UKBM there needs to be a direct link between the music and our past.
10.) As you hate today's black metal scene, who would you say are the forces worth listening to and supporting?
The black metal I listen to has to have a certain calibre and attitude about it otherwise I just get an empty feeling and feel let down. As always my mentors and allies in the Order of the Wolf always get my undying support, Ichneutic and Eternity of Darkness. I also give my support to anything worthwhile from the UK that has the black edge, Odium, Ordog, Darkness and so on. Recently as well I heard Extinction from the UK and he has that real black filth surrounding the sound. Kind of like Abruptum slowed down, sawn up and blasted into hyperspace! Anything sick and depraved really!
11.) i'll leave this last bit for you to say what ever you want along with leaving some contact info and such. Hail!
Thanks for the interview and hails to Herr Chemosh and Christcrusher Rex. Hails to Peter of Black Abyss Productions. Hails to Satan's Millennium, Harvester and Northern Heritage. Hails to Frimost, Pu Satanachia, Nebiros and my lords Astaroth, Beelsebuth, and Lucifer, in your shadow I eternally bow.
Finally to the people who doubt my credibility and the substance of anything from the UK, be warned, the golden age of UK black metal is coming. In the darkness we hide and wait, soon everyone will understand.
To the fake UK black metal scene, Anaal Nathrakh, Frost, Acolytes Ruin and the like, your time is over, your money will be burnt, your women will be sodomised and your lives ruined.
Hails Grimnir and Typhon, my brothers in hatred and war.
Email - totallybrutal@hotmail.com
Band - www.sist.cjb.net
Label - www.albionrecords.cjb.net
Albion Records is the label I started to mainly release all the UK black metal I see and hear that I feel is worthy of a proper underground release. In particular Satanic, truly evil bands that live on this shitty island and need support and promotion. The only release so far is my debut demo "Kill Yourself. Nobody Loves You" but pretty soon I'll be releasing the Order of the Wolf slit, the second S.I.S.T. demo "Kneel For The Master" and a possible split between S.I.S.T. and Odium based around necrophilia. Also myself and Typhon (Eternity of Darkness) were thinking of releasing the Anaxagazaroth demos and material from the OotW split, but we decided against it. Another project which has just been finalised for release is my black ritual torture project called Nebiros. Basically it's black magic, ritual music with fucked up rhythms, screams of torture and death, much like the Black Legions Project and Oktober. Also Caranthir (Darkness) and myself are discussing a tape release of his new album limited and hand numbered for release in the next six months. Other than that I'm open to admissions from anyone who shares my opinions and outlook.
The name Albion Records comes from a myth Grimnir (Ichneutic) told me. Apparently England used to be called Albion back in the Roman invasion days, it means white isle and is the first recorded name given to our homeland. It's nothing pro-white at all I just felt that to bring back pride to UKBM there needs to be a direct link between the music and our past.
10.) As you hate today's black metal scene, who would you say are the forces worth listening to and supporting?
The black metal I listen to has to have a certain calibre and attitude about it otherwise I just get an empty feeling and feel let down. As always my mentors and allies in the Order of the Wolf always get my undying support, Ichneutic and Eternity of Darkness. I also give my support to anything worthwhile from the UK that has the black edge, Odium, Ordog, Darkness and so on. Recently as well I heard Extinction from the UK and he has that real black filth surrounding the sound. Kind of like Abruptum slowed down, sawn up and blasted into hyperspace! Anything sick and depraved really!
11.) i'll leave this last bit for you to say what ever you want along with leaving some contact info and such. Hail!
Thanks for the interview and hails to Herr Chemosh and Christcrusher Rex. Hails to Peter of Black Abyss Productions. Hails to Satan's Millennium, Harvester and Northern Heritage. Hails to Frimost, Pu Satanachia, Nebiros and my lords Astaroth, Beelsebuth, and Lucifer, in your shadow I eternally bow.
Finally to the people who doubt my credibility and the substance of anything from the UK, be warned, the golden age of UK black metal is coming. In the darkness we hide and wait, soon everyone will understand.
To the fake UK black metal scene, Anaal Nathrakh, Frost, Acolytes Ruin and the like, your time is over, your money will be burnt, your women will be sodomised and your lives ruined.
Hails Grimnir and Typhon, my brothers in hatred and war.
Email - totallybrutal@hotmail.com
Band - www.sist.cjb.net
Label - www.albionrecords.cjb.net
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