This Interview Was Conducted on August 9th 1999 with GrevDrake, the band's
1.) Could you give an introduction to your band and to who you are, for the readers out there who don't know you?
Well, we are Goddess Of Desire, Holland's biggest showmetalband. We play old metal from the eighties and on stage we combine this with a very exciting show. On stage we have a lot of fireworks, flame-projectors and together with some brutal Heavy Metal we have some girls on stage who do some acts on it.
2.) What kind of music would you describe Goddess Of Desire as? I mean You wear fur and war paint and metal studs like most black metal bands but you are something different right? could ya tell us in more detail?
We are not a Black Metal band. We do have anti-christian understandings, but our music is more like old death- and thrashmetal. We also do some heavy metal in it, melody is good in music, it makes the music better to recognize. As for our paint and fur, a lot of old non-blackmetalbands wore it also, like Slayer, Hellhammer, Manowar, Destruction and Infernäl Mäjesty.
3.) on the Live At Wacken video you introduce the song "Blasphemic Beasts Convoked" as an antichristian song.. does this mean that the band is a satanist band?
No. We all have our own opinion about religion, but that's something personal for everyone of us. We are all anti-Christian however, because most fanatic Christians are just hypocrites. We also dislike so-called fake Satanism. Real Satanism is an individual thought, mainly focused on someone's own importance and needs. I follow this rules of my own like this and I dispise all organized religion because it's for blind sheep who can't make up their own mind about things.
4.) The band likes to do a big show when they play live, which I saw on the video. Does it ever occur that you get the feeling that the show becomes more important than the music?
Well, normal gigs don't have so much show, but with gigs like Dynamo Open Air and Wacken Open Air we double or triple all show-aspects, because it's something special. Our normal gigs have some explosives and fire and some female effects in it. Wacken was a very special gig for us, that's why we exaggerated a bit on the show-aspect.
5.) At Wacken you also played a song along with 2 members from Sacred Steel, Have you ever done or will you ever do any collaborations on your CDs with other bands?
We did a song together with Sacred Steel for a compilation-CD. It was a cover from Merciful Fate, but we are not planning to have any guest-performances on our own albums.
6.) Now that the band is signed on Metal Blade will there be a re-release of the now sold out 1st album from Goddess of Desire?
I don't know who will re-release our first album, but we have plans to re-release it. I guess this will be done by us, I don't think Metal Blade will be interested in re-releasing it. Time will tell, I guess.
7.) How do You feel about christian bands in the metal scene? and bands like Cradle Of Filth who only seem to be in the scene for the sake of money and not for the love of metal?
Christian bands are just losers. I mean, what's the point of making Christian metal? Christians are just pathetic hypocrite fools who are only getting a kick out of spreading lies and trying to picture themselves to others as "good". It makes me sick when someone tells me he is a better person, just because he's christian. I noticed that a lot of these christian people have something to do with incest, drug-abuse and other really bad shit
8.) The band has only toured in Germany, Holland and Belgium right? will the band be touring to the US now with the signing on Metal Blade?
Not this year, but maybe next year. I'm not really looking forward to it, however, because I heard some very bad stories about touring in the USA. On the other hand, I don't wanna let our fans in the USA down. I guess when we go to the States, we have to be a support-act for a bigger band over there. That way we will get some attention, I hope.
9.) What are the main influences for Goddess Of Desire? Like what bands do you listen to?
Everyone from Goddess Of Desire has it's own musical influences. I guess when I gather all bands we listen to you'll get a list like this: Carnivore, Celtic Frost, Hellhammer, Venom, In Flames, The Crown, Slayer, Metallica, Merciful Fate, Infernäl Mäjesty and more like this
10.) Thanks for doing this interview. Anything you'd like to say to end off the interview?
Well, I hope we will be able to tour the rest of the world once, because I really enjoy playing for people. For people who want more info about us, check our website: http://www.goddess-of-desire.com. For vinyl-lovers, we just made an LP-version of our latest album with some very nice picture-material on it.
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