GGFH is an electronic/industrial/techno/mental/psycho band from USA and plays a fucked up kind of music which earned them a signing to Peaceville in the early 90s and saw them touring Europe together with My Dying Bride.
1.) Could you give us an introduction to and a small history of GGFH for the people who dont know you or are not too familiar with the band?
that question is lookin for a long answer...well..we started a gang in school wearing pentagrams and goat heads on or jackets..this was in east oakland in the 80's..basically the worst place youve ever been..took to much acid...recorded noise and samples from tv..recorded em together in our bathroom...came up with some sick shit...went from noise to makin real songs...put out our tapes everywhere we could..got signed by peaceville...toured...were way ahead of our time..died...and now im bringing it back!
2.) I read that the name was initially ment to be "goat guys from hell" but that it was later changed to "global genocide forget heaven" why was the name changed? and what do the Names represent to you?
Goat guys from hell was our original gang name...for the goats on our jackets...people started calling us that... we changed it cause it didnt sound serious enough for a band..even if we are sick fucks..we still have a sence of humor.. and goat guys is pretty funny...but i dont think everyone would have got the joke!
3.) What does the music you record with GGFH represent to you and Brian?
well its a release..you know..ya got ta get the bad shit out somehow...killin..fightin...and its a challenge to build a song and that energizes the artistic side of me....
4.) I was told you're into Jungle now, I was also told that if GGFH was to release a new album it would be in this style. Is there any truth to this?
ive been a dj for 13 years now...so im into all kinds of music ..always have been...as you can tell by our songs... so yea jungle, metal..whatever im takin in will get materialized in ggfh...and spit back out...
5.) You are now a dance music DJ. I saw GGFH as very loosely based on technoish music but with sick, perverted overtones and a style onto yourselves. Will the element of perversity and darkness stay with GGFH with the new stuff despite the style it may be, if there is a new style?
oh yea new shit will always be ggfh...dark..dead...but im sure stuff im listening to will influence it...
but im keeping it ggfh..youll be able to hear that....
6.) Will the new stuff (if there will be any new stuff) once again feature the your vocal expertise and the original GGFH line up with Brian?
I dont think brians into doin this anymore..i tried to get him to do the "beast of" with me and he kinda fucked it off... So im doin everything now...with a couple new people...its good workin with someone whos into what thier doin....
7.) In an interview i read with you guys from the early 90s you stated that the main influence was taken from horror movies. are there any other influences for the music?
Shit the world in general..fuckin terrorists, death, our fucked up human disease...horror movies influenced me since i was a kid... but now its life here on earth that gives me ideas.....
8.) GGFH have always put ona big act live, would there be any chances for tours after peaceville re-release the old material and the compilation? how about a chance of a video of your old concerts?
I dont know about a tour..we'd have to have enough $$$..to do what i wanted to do on stage..couldnt do a half-ass show nowadays...i dont know if a record company would back us.
9.) Peaceville is re releasing the GGFH albums, this is great because they are hard to get but will we see any bonus tracks? A pamphlet I recived with Preparing for war said the darkthrone re releases would feature bonus tracks but all we got was a gay slipcase. Is this what we can expect with the GGFH re-releases?
I dont know..ya see its not up to me..peaceville owns all that ..they can do whatever they want with it...
i wasnt happy with the mastering on "beast of"..and they rushed me on the songs i was workin on...
so i have no control over that...kinda sucks...but thats why im workin on new shit..and ill put it out my self if i have to....
10.) Peaceville is releasing a GGFH "best of", will this feature any new/demo stuff? Darkthrone's Preparing for war featured a grand total of about 2 tracks that fans wouldn't have easilly been able to obtain, how much input will you have as to which tracks are featured on the compilation? Any chance of live material?
As i said..no not really..they chose a bunch of old noise shit we did..and i would have put the faster songs on it.... wasnt really happy..but i could have sat back and had no contribution to it at all......
11.) About this music video for the track 'Real' which was recorded in the early 90s and is being released on the best of compilation, how come it was never released before? what kind of things will we see on this video? Will it be a movie type music video? or a live video or what?
It's a music video..i made...mtv europe wouldnt show it...dont ask me why..the blood was to red..i dont know... its kool ..i had fun makin it....we made some crap version of it when we came over there,,thats the one they showed...
12.) Will we ever see any of the numerous demos released in their entirety? Halloween had some great demos but it was more like a compilation.
I doubt it..we took most of the good shit off all of em...unless ya wanna hear more of our noise experiments.. cool back then..but people dont get it now...
13.) Looking back on what GGFH has recorded, how do you feel about your previous work?
Shit ya know...some good some crap!!..some songs still give the shivers when i hear em...some i cant stand.. alot we were just fuckin around..not really tryin...but new stuff ..i hope to capture that magic we had on a few old tunes..
14.) What should we expect from the future of GGFH, and from Your work as DJ ghost. and will we expect to see anything from Brian int he future?
Just hope i can make enough songs to put out new cd....as far as brian..???
15.) Thanks for takin time out for this interview, any last words which you would like to send out to the fans?
Just to tell them thanx for the support over all thes years..and i never thought so many people out there shared my vision.. your all sick fucks..and proud of it....thanx..ghost666
16.) Any contact info or web page info you'd like to post for the interview to me located on the page?
yea check out ggfh.com..im workin on it right now...should have ggfh t-shirts up soon......stay sick...
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