Hangöver is a black/thrash band from Poland. This interview was conducted with the only permanent members Hellbastard and Krignkiv in January 2006. The interview was publiched in Estonian metal zine Pläkk, and appears here in English for the first time.
1. Hell-o. How did 31st December ended for you. Blury, I hope.
Hellbastard:I can’t recall, I don’t care. Shit like New Years are just silly excuses for college boys to drink and try to get laid. We don’t need excuses, we drink whenever we feel like and we bone on a regular basis. Burp!
Krigkniv: I did mescaline again. I danced with the spirit of the buffalo. Go figure…
2. Hangover wasn't that active for couple of years because herr Slut Eviscerator was having some problems in his personal life. Now year 2006 starts of with Hangover releasing MCD, so he is back and kicking then? Any additions to line-up?
Hellbastard: Hangöver was never too active anyway, well in playing department at least. I guess Hangöver is state of mind – that’s why Slut Eviscerator is still in the band even if we haven’t seen him for 2 years first and then we don’t see him too often as well. Well, fuck this. As for the new MCD, one can hardly say we’re back… We’re never back, we’re always far away, then we appear and record something whenever we feel like or have a chance to do so.
Anyhow, the MCD ain’t the first thing coming from us lately, there was a brand new scrotumtwisting crotchkickin’ track released on the glorious “Thrash metal blitzkrieg vol. 1” seven incher on Deathstrike Records, somewhere in 2005. Better get this EP, as we kicked some major ass the new song.
As for the “Under the shitfluence” MCD, to cut the story short – I’ve been working with my Swedish friend Krigkniv (of HORNED or THE LAW fame), a guitar player who recorded a guest solo on “Thrash metal blitzkrieg” song, then we’ve met up in December 2005 again, so we deciced to record a few (six, to be exact) GG Allin songs, because we thought they rule and we always wanted to do something with it. So yeah, I did the drums and vocals, Krigkniv blasted some guitars and shit, and then we had our pal Dreadnacht record bassturbation for us and here we go, so bite it you scum!
Krigkniv: I’m the new guy. Err..
3. Can you share some light on your upcoming GG ALLIN tribute? Wasn't he the guy who ate his own shit on stage?
Hellbastard: Well, as said before, the MCD will contain 6 songs – I kill everything I fuck, Die when you die, Bite it you scum, Son of evil, Suck my ass it smells and Highest power and I tell you – they’ll split your wig instantly. And yes, indeed, Jesus Christ Allin was the fella who liked to taste his own bowel movements, but first of all he was a great musician with a diehard attitude. It was hard to pick only a few songs from the wide selection of great songs he’d record but I believe we made some good choices.
Krigkniv: Fuck yeah bro! The king of the underground can’t be saluted enough. It was our duty to do this since we feel he’s underrated as a musician, and overrated as a cult clown figure. So what if he ate his own shit. He made some awesome songs and we tried to do our thing with ‘em.
Hellbastard: If more people today ate their own shit instead of talking shit, we’d be all much happier.
4. So who is releasing this 6 track terror and from where people can get it? All your earlier stuff is sold out anyway, right?
Hellbastard: I guess we’ll release it ourselves, as I don’t believe anyone would be interested. I took care of a nice packaging so it will be a candy. Everyone interested can order or pre-order it by emailing me at hangoverhorde@tlen.pl or writing a nice letter. Old stuff is sold out, the “Terrorbeer” cassette, the CD-R version of the demo and so on. I suspect that the “Thrash Metal Blitzkrieg 1” EP is still available from Deathstrike or other distros as it’s a fairly new release. Aha, I also have a few copies left of a CD compilation “Bang or be banged!” where we poorly perform “Creeping death” among other cool bands praising the names of old masters, i.e. Bewitched, Gernoth, Ancient Wisdom, Deceased, Front Beast, Gehennah, Ouroboros, Unpure… 80 minutes of covering madness. $10 or something.
Krigkniv: The earlier stuff sucks since I wasn’t in the band then.
5. You are getting along with other alco thrash bands like Gehennah and Nocturnal. I know you already worked with member from Nocturnal for his Necroslaughter project, but can we ever see these hardrockers collaborate on Hangover releases?
Hellbastard: Oh yeah, Nocturnal are the shit, and so are Gehennah – they started it all. Though I don’t think Nocturnal wants to be associated with this “retro alco thing”. They are too real for that, I tell you. I don’t think we’ll ever collaborate with Gehennah, as we don’t see each other that often anymore, plus the band seems to be in complete hiatus (apart from a gig every two years or something). I’ve did vocals for Necroslaughter and will do again in the future. We’ve had some tracks in mind, but things became very hectic for Daniel so it’s put on ice. You can still check out sold out EP “Sacrifice for Satan” (or it’s cassette version released by Slava Prod./Thailand) if you feel like being kicked in the face by old Sarcofago worship.
Krigkniv: I live in the same town as the guys in Gehennah and I see ‘em every now and then and talk some shit with ‘em at times. Nothing more nothing less. They’ve done some great shit throughout the years though. They also covered GG. I think it was “Drink, fight & fuck”. Great version indeed!
6. Nocturnal guys sure looked like your usual alcoholics within "Arrival Of The Carnivore" booklet with their Heineken granades. Ok, but any other alcohol fueled retro beer'n'roll bands we should keep an eye on? Have you heard Scepter from US?
Hellbastard: I am sure they drink as hell, I met them after all! They just don’t use it as image, which is cool… You can’t exaggerate with the “alcoholic” image or you become a joke… It’s okay with us though, because we know we’re one, we wanted to be.
I’ve lost the track of cool bands recently, but I’ll tell you what I like. Of course I heard Scepter, they fucking kick nuts. Beer powered stuff coming to my mind is definitely Drunkard from Greece (also a Deathstrike band), Gehennah of course - if one haven’t heard Gehennah yet, it’s too late, go fucking kill yourself you mongrel idiot. The “modern retro” bands I dig with worship are surely Nocturnal, Witchtrap, Deströyer 666, Bewitched, Diabolic Force, Unpure, Morbosidad, Must Missa, Nocturnal Breed, Adorior, Witchmaster, Pagan Rites, Nifelheim, Turbocharged… Fuck, I can’t remember man. It’s always good to hear some ass slaying new band praising the old masters, fuck inventing the new, look where it brought us…
7. Speaking of alco thrash, it is never being too popular, but bands playing alco thrash has been always in cult status. I know you will start your rant about you guys not being able to play your instruments and so on. Still, how did you end up starting good and enjoyable alco thrash band?
Hellbastard: It’s popular for me and fuck all prissy pants sissies cunts who think it’s not serious or trendy. Fuck them up their stupid asses. FUCK OFF!!! I don’t know why do people enjoy our music, they must be fucked in the head or something, so that’s perfectly okay for me.
8. What do you think about veteran bands like Venom and Celtic Frost for example getting their dusty instruments out again after so many years?
Hellbastard: I dig Venom’s “Ressurection” A LOT, but I don’t care if Celtic Frost are going to return or not. Warrior proved his love for faggotry too many times already… It happens too often recently… You know – bands who recorded decent albums in the beginning, then spent half of their career playing shitstained (no relation to GG here!) rainbow piece of doodie calling it “experimental” and “mature”, then realized that noone listens to this, so they decide to reattach their balls and go back to their roots to sell more albums. New Destruction is a joke, Pungent Stench should fucking die, reformed Gayhem was the biggest piece of shit ever… Who else? Fukk this, I didn’t bother remembering all the fucking “return bands” which disgusted me over the recent years. Fukk them all with a spiked deathdick.
Krigkniv: Hellbastard, you don’t know shit. The new Mayhem record is elite. I don’t have any high hopes in the new Celtic Frost record though.
Hellbastard: Do your record sucks? Do people consider you a faggot? Is life a living hell since you released that piece of crap? Don’t you worry, you can always call yourself ELITE then. It’s easy, it’s fun, and it’s FREE!!!
9. What about your side project Backstage Sluts? Quite hard to find anything about that band, all the websites I found with these keywords are porn. Did you released the demo "Trisexual Nunwhore Cumsquad"?
Hellbastard: Ooohh, it was a glorious project which never came alive, since we had only 3 songs lasting for 4 minutes total, so it was quite too stupid to be released. Me and my Danish friend Dale Wifebeater did three songs of nuclear warfare punk rock, but they are missing in action somewhere… So is Dale, so if anyone knows a Danish motherfucker called Dale Wifebeater, you better hit me up with an info where he lives, that scum, as I’ve been trying to get ahold of him for 2 years now. FUKK!!!
Krigkniv: It probably sucked anyway. I’d fucking crush that Dale-guy with my tasty licks!
10. Is there anything you do in some kind of planed way and actually finish it?
Hellbastard: No mister. We never finish anything, because I’ve always worked with FUKKING MORON KUNTS! I was always the one with ideas and power to create, but I’ve been dealing with lazy lowlife scumfukks who could barely wipe their own asses, so FUKK THEM right here from this place. Hear me?! I am insulting you all the way from Estonia! FUKK OFF!!! Though I must say that Dale Wifebeater, Krigkniv and Dreadnacht were the first persons I worked with who actually did what they should. Krigkniv never let me down so far, and we made quite a few killer projects together and I believe more will be to come. It’s like with this GG Allin album – I’ve been asking kunts and shitheads for years to help me with the guitars or whatever to accomplish this release but all they got to say was “sure yeah” and then crawl back to their miserable fukking lives. And then boom, I am landing in the heart of Sweden, we fucking eat three fucking meatballs, a potato and a bowl of shrimps and record a killer GG tribute tracks within 2 days right from the scratch. Our pal H. Hellcunt shoots pix of us the next day, I return home and do the cover artwork for the release and we’re ready to press the album. That’s the way I wanna work. Always. Fukk off.
Krigkniv: I never finish stuff. People finish stuff for me, except for beers.
11. Where you guys work to get the money for drinking?
Hell yeah… I am working as a graphic designer, photographer and all that, doing pix of chix or covers for bands-I-don’t-always-like for living. Dreadnacht is a most powerful amongst us, woking as a custom agent in FedEx, that’s GRIM and EVIL. Krigkniv is eating shit for living.
Krigkniv: I sell my ass and study to be a teacher for the younger kids.
12. From time to time in your interviews you mention having plans to do a video for Hangover. I assume these are still just plans?
Hellbastard: Forget it. Just forget it.
Krigkniv: I’d have to check with my lawyer about that. Don’t think it’d be a proper career move for me.
13. Hah, having trouble with the law like usuall so laying low profile?
Hellbastard: I’d rather say Krigkniv has a problem with a video camera. I once seen a footage of him running away from the goat, as well as the totally underground strip tease shots, and before he even answers I just want to say that I’ve never danced naked to “Eye of the tiger”.
Krigkniv: My band or the pussies in blue?
14. Some guy called Black Bielack did some solos for "Terrorbeer" which also had song "Porn Watcher" -- not suprisingly for Hangover, ironic song about perv porn watchers. Isn't that guy doing porn now?
Hellbastard: Hell yeah, Black Bielack is the shit. But he’s not “doing porn”, but works in this department as a graphic designer, photographer and all, shooting pics of plastic dildos and all, haha! It’s a great fun to have a guy with a box full of humongous dildos and a digital camera. We’ve had a pretty fresh times with that box, and no – none of our anuses got penetrated, in case you wonder, haha! Ronnie Ripper of Gehennah wrote the lyrics for “Pornwatcher” so I had nothing to do with it. I like porn, as any man should.
15. Another guy on "Terrorbeer" tape was Nergal, better known as Behemoth's singer. You said this cockstar was there just so the tape would sell better. You also don't like Acid Drinkers. It seems you don't give a shit about most metal scene in Poland with few exceptions?
Hellbastard: Forget it. He wasn’t “appearing” and noone even knows he was there. He was just screaming shit in the background about Danone yoghurts and we got it on tape during the “Fag killer” song or something.
I don’t give a shit about any scene, I just listen to whatever I like. Metalheads are a bunch of tards anyway, and I like to deal with people I can spend quality time with (believe me, screaming “hail satan, nails are cool” while drinking gets boring after a while). Acid Drinkers suck donkey ass as hard as any Christian metal does and Polish scene is a joke anyway, I only listen to Witchmaster (but I think they are dead by now) and Kriegsmaschine. I am generally disappointed with the state of metal recently, so I basically abhor the whole genre. Freshest things I’ve heard recently are German HELRUNAR with their great black fucking metal debut “Frostnacht” and their countrymen SECRETS OF THE MOON and the murderous “Exhibitions” EP.
16. And what says our friend from Sweeden about their local scene?
Krigkniv: I’m part of the Swedish metal scene and we are kinda inbred and worn out here as well. Nothing original going on here either even though there are a bunch of cool bands here who are rising to glory as we speak. My own other band, The Law, being one of them. You should check it out at http://www.myspace.com/thelawswe . There, I plugged it.
Hellbastard: I heard he also has a secret LiveJournal.
17. We are Estonian magazine, we always try to find out how much people know about our scene abroad. Do you know any Estonian bands? Or did you knew we have cheap alcohol and nice chicks?
Hellbastard: Don’t know anything about your chicks, so send three of them over here with the mentioned cheap booze. I’ll pay the airfare. As for the bands, I know Loits (but can’t say I am listening to this right-winged-disguised-as-pagan-genre), also stuff like Metsatoll, East Trading Wang (trading WHAT?!), and Must Missa which kicks some major ass with their fresh tthhrraaasshhhing madness! Kick heads!
Krigkniv; I’m an ignorant piece of shit so I don’t know a single band, even though I know you have that neo-folk thingie goin’ on over there. Good luck to ya though! As far as chicks and liquor goes, I like ‘em both. I’m not interested in cheap chicks and nice liquor though…Or was it the other way around? Anyways… I hope you get the fucking mob out of there so you can start getting your shit together and actually PAY FOR OUR RELEASES AND NOT BOOTLEG EVERY FUCKING THING YOU GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS ON.
18. Cheers for few hours of your drinking time, got any last words?
Krigkniv; Thanks for the interview!
Hellbastard: You can lick them, you can suck them, but DON’T PUNCH THE BALLS!!!
L. Jaszak
P.O. Box 77
20-956 Lublin 17
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